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MIDI straight from your Watch


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MidiWrist Unleashed turns your Watch into a MIDI controller that directly connect to any Bluetooth LE MIDI device.

Install Animoog Z

This quickstart walks you through the steps to connect MidiWrist Unleashed to a synthesizer running on your iPhone or iPad. If you don't have a synthesizer app available, Animoog Z is a great synth that you can download freely.

Once Animoog Z is installed, launch it by tapping its icon, press the HOLD button and tap several keys on the keyboard to hear an arpeggio playing.

Animoog Z Quickstart 1

Advertise your iPhone

Next, open the settings panel with the gear icon, and activate the MIDI section in the left navigation panel. Press BT TRANSMIT to open the Bluetooth configuration panel for your iOS device. There, enable Advertise MIDI Service to advertise your iPhone as a Bluetooth MIDI peripheral and press DONE.

Animoog Z Quickstart 2

Animoog Z Quickstart 3

Connect MidiWrist Unleashed

Launch MidiWrist Unleashed on your Apple Watch and notice that the MidiWrist preset name is red with a broken connection icon its left. This means that no Bluetooth MIDI connection is active. Tap the title to open the connection page.

In the connection page, start the discovery of Bluetooth LE MIDI devices by pressing the Start scanning button. You'll see your iPhone appear in the list below, tap the name of your iPhone to create a Bluetooth LE MIDI connection. Once connected, press the X icon in the top right corner to close the connection page.

MidiWrist Unleashed Quickstart 1

Enable MIDI input from your watch in Animoog Z

Back on your iPhone, you'll now see your watch as one of the MIDI input ports. Press it, so that it becomes highlighted, meaning that Animoog Z will be listening to MIDI messages coming in from your watch. Also make sure that the INPUT CHANNEL is set to OMNI.

Animoog Z Quickstart 4

Map Animoog Z controls to MidiWrist Unleashed messages

Now that MidiWrist Unleashed and Animoog Z are talking together, you need to let Animoog Z know what to do with the messages it receives. A convenient way to do this is to use MIDI mapping. In the Animoog Z MIDI settings panel, press MAP MIDI and the ORBS panel will appear with circles over the controls. Tap the circle over the RATE knob to make it start listening for MIDI messages.

Animoog Z Quickstart 5

On your watch, tap the Knobs button to open the knobs panel. Make sure that only Knob 1 is enabled and that the other three knobs are grayed out. Tapping each knob allows you to enable or disable it. Now turn the digital crown to change the value of Knob 1.

MidiWrist Unleashed Quickstart 2

As soon at Animoog Z receives the MIDI message that was sent by MidiWrist Unleashed's knob, it will detect what the number of the CC message is and assign that to the RATE knob. You'll see the number 74 appear in the highlighted circle.

Animoog Z Quickstart 6

Now tap on the circle that's over ORIGIN X in Animoog Z to learn the message that this control should respond to.

Animoog Z Quickstart 7

Back in MidiWrist Unleashed, tap Knob 1 to disable it, and tap Knob 2 to enable it. Knob 2 should be clearly visible and the other three knobs should be grayed out. Now turn your watch's digital crown again to change the value of Knob 2.

MidiWrist Unleashed Quickstart 3

Animoog Z will now learn that ORIGIN X should respond to the MIDI CC message 71.

Finally, press the X button in the top right corner of Animoog Z to leave MAP MIDI mode.

Animoog Z Quickstart 8

Control Animoog Z with MidiWrist Unleashed

While the arpeggio is playing in Animoog Z, experiment with turning all four knobs in MidiWrist Unleashed with your digital crown. You'll notice that you can select any number of them to be controlled at once.

Knob 3 and Knob 4 by default already used messages that are standard for most synthesizers, allowing you to control the MOD WHEEL position and the VOLUME.

This is what each knob is now set up to control:

Congratulations on setting up your first MidiWrist Unleashed connection!


Reference Manual

You can find all the details about the MidiWrist Unleashed app in this section.

Configure Your Apple Watch

In order for MidiWrist Unleashed to be the most predicable and comfortable to use, there are a few recommended Apple Watch Settings.

Wake Behavior

To be able to make immediate tweaks, even when a long time has passed, the following settings are a good idea to activate.

Watch Config 1

Watch Config 2


Haptic feedback makes your Watch vibrate when you interact with MidiWrist Unleashed, this can be useful to make tweaks without looking or to get additional sensory confirmation of your intentions.

The following Sound & Haptics settings are a good idea to activate:

NOTE: Haptic feedback in MidiWrist Unleashed needs to be enabled in the global settings of the app

Watch Config 3


Controller Panel List

Panel List

When MidiWrist Unleashed launches, you see the name of the current preset at the top with a connection icon and the app icon. The default preset is named MidiWrist.

Below the preset name, the controller panels that are part of the current preset are listed.

These panels can be freely deleted by swiping left and rearranged by long pressing on the label. New presets can also be added with the plus button at the bottom. You can have as many panels of any type as you want.

The controller panels come in five different fundamental types:

The next sections provide details for each of these panel types.

At the bottom of the controller panel list are three buttons:

Edit Current Preset

Edit Preset

The edit preset panel allows you to change the name and settings of the current preset.


Controller Panel Structure

Panel Structure

While each controller panel type is fundamentally different, the surrounding structure and interaction model is always the same.


Knobs & Buttons Panel

Knobs Panel Buttons Panel Mixed Panel

The default preset panels named Knobs, Buttons and Mixed are all of the same panel type, they're merely configured differently.

This panel type is the most flexible and configurable.

Knobs on the panel are used with your watch's Digital Crown. By tapping on each knob, you can enable or disable which knob is being changing when you turn the Digital Crown. Multiple knobs can be enabled simultaneously, providing you with macro control over multiple parameters.

Buttons on the panel are simply used by tapping them. Buttons can be configured to either toggle values on or off, or to be momentary, turning the button on as long as your finger is pressed and turning it off as soon as your finger is released.

More Functions

Panel Knobs More

The following additional functions are available when pressing the triple-dot top right button:

At the bottom are two additional buttons:

Configure Panel Layout

Panel Knobs Layout

This page allows you to configure the layout and features of the entire controllers panel.

From top to bottom:

Below is an example of how the number of controls changes the layout of the panel, with and without the optional bottom corner buttons:

Panel Knobs Number Of Controls Panel Knobs Number Of Controls

Configure Individual Controls

Panel Knobs Configure Control

When you press the bottom right Configure Individual Controls button in the More Functions page, the same layout of the panel appears but with a dotted outline for each of the controls.

Tapping one of the controls will bring up a dedicated page that allows you to change every aspect of that control. Depending on the type of the control, and the MIDI message that is being sent out, these configuration options will vary.

Knob CC (Control Change) Configuration

Knob CC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the control is a knob, and when the MIDI message type is CC:

Knob CP (Channel Pressure) Configuration

Knob CP Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the control is a knob, and when the MIDI message type is CP:

Knob PC (Program Change) Configuration

Knob PC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the control is a knob, and when the MIDI message type is PC:

Button CC (Control Change) Configuration

Knob CC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the control is a button, and when the MIDI message type is CC:

Button CP (Channel Pressure) Configuration

Button CP Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the control is a button, and when the MIDI message type is CP:

Button PC (Program Change) Configuration

Button PC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the control is a button, and when the MIDI message type is PC:

Button NOTE (Note On/Off) Configuration

Button NOTE Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the control is a button, and when the MIDI message type is NOTE:


Motion Panel

Motion Panel Inactive Motion Panel Active

The motion panel type allows you to send MIDI messages based on the position of your watch in physical space. The three dimensional rotation angles (Roll, Yaw and Pitch) and the acceleration velocity of your motion (Accel), allow you to very naturally control MIDI devices by simply moving your hand around.

In order for the motion data to be sent continuously in real-time, even when the watch is turned away from you, Apple requires users to manually start a Workout. This can be done by accessing the More Functions panel with the top right button or by tapping the red gyroscope icon.

Each motion control can either send out a continuous control stream, similarly to a knob, or can behave as a trigger where once a threshold is exceeded, the control switches between its on and off value, similarly to a button.

When operating as a trigger, the visual feedback of that control will change, showing the threshold limit with a gray background and the current motion value as a rotating gray line. This makes is really clear when the threshold is exceeded and whether additional configuration tweaks are necessary for your purpose.

Motion Panel Trigger Off Motion Panel Trigger Off

By tapping on each motion control, you can enable or disable that data from being sent out. Sometimes it can be a lot to have all 4 sending data as you move your hand, by disabling some motion controls, the MIDI data stream can become more streamlined if that's what you want.

Once a workout is started, motion data will be sent out over MIDI as long as the motion panel is the currently active panel. As soon as you switch back to the panel list, the workout will automatically be stopped, as well as the motion data.

NOTE: depending on how you use motion control, you might want to tweak the Update Interval setting in the Edit Preset panel. Faster updates will send more of your motion nuances, if your Bluetooth receiver is able to handle the throughput.

More Functions

Panel Motion More

The following additional functions are available when pressing the triple-dot top right button:

At the bottom are two additional buttons:

Configure Panel Layout

Panel Motion Layout

This page allows you to configure the layout and features of the entire motion panel.

From top to bottom:

Configure Individual Controls

Panel Motion Configure Control

When you press the bottom right Configure Individual Controls button in the More Functions page, the same layout of the panel appears but with a dotted outline for each of the controls.

Tapping one of the controls will bring up a dedicated page that allows you to change every aspect of that control. Depending on the type of the control, and the MIDI message that is being sent out, these configuration options will vary.

Control CC (Control Change) Configuration

Control CC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the motion data behaves as a control, and when the MIDI message type is CC:

Control CP (Channel Pressure) Configuration

Control CP Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the motion data behaves as a control, and when the MIDI message type is CP:

Control PC (Program Change) Configuration

Control PC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the motion data behaves as a control, and when the MIDI message type is PC:

Trigger CC (Control Change) Configuration

Trigger CC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the motion data behaves as a trigger, and when the MIDI message type is CC:

Trigger CP (Channel Pressure) Configuration

Trigger CP Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the motion data behaves as a trigger, and when the MIDI message type is CP:

Trigger PC (Program Change) Configuration

Trigger PC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the motion data behaves as a trigger, and when the MIDI message type is PC:

Trigger NOTE (Note On/Off) Configuration

Trigger NOTE Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the motion data behaves as a trigger, and when the MIDI message type is NOTE:


Stepper Panel

Stepper Panel

The stepper panel allows you to discretely step through individual MIDI values with plus and minus buttons. When pressing and holding either of these buttons, the values will automatically continue to change and the longer you press, the faster it changes. The Digital Crown can also be used to more quickly and precisely step through a wider range of values.

More Functions

Panel Stepper More

The following additional functions are available when pressing the triple-dot top right button:

At the bottom are two additional buttons:

Configure Panel Layout

Panel Stepper Layout

This page allows you to configure the layout and features of the entire stepper panel.

From top to bottom:

Configure Individual Controls

Panel Stepper Configure Control

When you press the bottom right Configure Individual Controls button in the More Functions page, the same layout of the panel appears but with a dotted outline for each of the controls.

Tapping one of the controls will bring up a dedicated page that allows you to change every aspect of that control. Depending on the type of the control, and the MIDI message that is being sent out, these configuration options will vary.

Stepper CC (Control Change) Configuration

Stepper CC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the MIDI message type is CC:

Stepper CP (Channel Pressure) Configuration

Stepper CP Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the MIDI message type is CP:

Stepper PC (Program Change) Configuration

Stepper PC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the MIDI message type is PC:


Transport Panel

Transport Panel

The transport panel provides direct access to Midi Machine Control (MMC) or Mackie Control Universal (MCU) commands.

This makes it possible to remotely control the transport of most DAWs and hosts. The Digital Crown can also be used to scrub the playhead to another location on the timeline. MMC only has a handful commands available, MCU is more extensive.

More Functions

Panel Transport More

The following additional functions are available when pressing the triple-dot top right button:

At the bottom are two additional buttons:

Configure Panel Layout

Transport Motion Layout

This page allows you to configure the layout and features of the entire transport panel.

From top to bottom:

Configure Individual Controls

Panel Transport Configure Control

When you press the bottom right Configure Individual Controls button in the More Functions page, the same layout of the panel appears but with a dotted outline for each of the controls.

Tapping one of the controls will bring up a dedicated page that allows you to change every aspect of that control. Depending on the transport protocol, these configuration options will vary.

MMC Command Configuration

Transport MMC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the uses the MMC protocol:

MCU Command Configuration

Transport MCU Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the uses the MCU protocol:

Setting up MIDI Machine Control (MMC)

Setting MMC up is different for each DAW, in Logic Pro for instance, it needs to be configured both in the global preferences and the project settings, while in Reaper it's just a single preference in the MIDI settings.

Apple Logic Pro

Logic MMC 1 Logic MMC 2

Cockos Reaper


Kymatica AUM


Steinberg Cubase

Cubase MMC 1 Cubase MMC 2

Setting up Mackie Control Universal (MCU)

Setting MCU up is also different for each DAW, the screen shots below show some popular examples.

The screen shots below show you how to do this for some popular DAWs.

Ableton Live

Live MCU

Apple Logic Pro

Logic MCU 1 Logic MCU 2
Logic MCU 3 Logic MCU 4


Bitwig MCU 1
Bitwig MCU 2

Cockos Reaper

Reaper MCU 1
Reaper MCU 2

Steinberg Cubase

Cubase MCU 1
Cubase MCU 2
Cubase MCU 3


XY Panel

XY Panel

The XY panel provides simultaneous control over two axis with one gesture.

The X axis and the Y axis can be configured to send out different messages and make it very intuitive to explore the relationship between these two controls by moving the dot on the XY panel around.

More Functions

Panel XY More

The following additional functions are available when pressing the triple-dot top right button:

At the bottom are two additional buttons:

Configure Panel Layout

Panel XY Layout

This page allows you to configure the layout and features of the entire XY panel.

From top to bottom:

Configure Individual Controls

Panel XY Configure Control

When you press the bottom right Configure Individual Controls button in the More Functions page, the same layout of the panel appears but with a dotted outline for each of the controls.

Tapping one of the controls will bring up a dedicated page that allows you to change every aspect of that control. Depending on the type of the control, and the MIDI message that is being sent out, these configuration options will vary.

XY CC (Control Change) Configuration

XY CC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the MIDI message type is CC:

XY CP (Channel Pressure) Configuration

XY CP Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the MIDI message type is CP:

XY PC (Program Change) Configuration

XY PC Configuration

The following configuration options are available when the MIDI message type is PC:


Preset List

Preset List

At the bottom of the Controller Panel List, the left button takes you to the Preset List.

By tapping any preset in the list, you'll load its controller panels and the Controller Panel List will be shown. The currently active preset is indicated by a checkmark.

The presets can be freely deleted by swiping left and rearranged by long pressing on the label. New presets can also be created with the plus button at the bottom. You can have as many presets as you want.

At the bottom of the preset list are three buttons:




The settings panel contains global settings and information.

From top to bottom:


Bluetooth LE MIDI

Bluetooth LE MIDI (BLE MIDI) is how MidiWrist Unleashed connects to a hardware device. Your Mac, iPhone, iPad and Vision Pro all support BLE MIDI, and any hardware MIDI device can easily become BLE MIDI capable by connecting a CME dongle to it.

A BLE MIDI device can either scan for other devices to connect to or advertise itself as being available for connections. MidiWrist Unleashed isn't able to advertise itself.

Making a connection to a new device typically involves the following steps:

  1. Make the device advertise itself as a BLE MIDI peripheral
  2. Tap on the MidiWrist Unleashed preset name to open the connection page
  3. Press the 'Start scanning' button to look for the new device
  4. When the device appear in the list below, tap its name to create a connection to it
NOTE: on iOS, iPadOS and visionOS, BLE MIDI advertisement is handled from inside apps, not from the system settings. For instance, in Animoog Z, go to the MIDI panel in the settings, and then tap 'BT TRANSMIT'. This is different for every app.

The details of how to make BLE MIDI connections with the actual devices varies significantly.

Here are some resources to get you started:


Thanks for reading this manual!

MidiWrist Unleashed is at the forefront of technology: the only standalone MIDI controller on Apple Watch in the world.

Some things might not work as you expect. This can be due to MidiWrist Unleashed, but also due to the Apple Watch or watchOS, or any other device or application that you're interacting with.

MidiWrist Unleashed is made by me, a single passionate developer, in my spare time. MidiWrist Unleashed will likely never sell enough to recoup the amount of time and resources I've spent on it. Please take that into account before you contact me for support requests. There are many other resources and communities available online.

That being said, if you think there's a problem with MidiWrist Unleashed, please contact me before leaving a bad review on the App Store. I'll try my best to help you within the time that I have available.
