Video game and operating system control with gestures

GameWAVE makes it possible to completely control keyboard and mouse-based video games with your Leap Motion Controller. To do so, you assign actions to different gestures and make them correspond to what your favorite video games are expecting. This might initially take a little effort, but once you find a combination of gestures and actions that feels right for you, they can be saved for later use and you'll feel like stepping into a science-fiction movie.

available on airspace store

Download for macOS

Download for Windows

NOTE: GameWAVE uses features which may not work properly with the Orion software.

If you encounter issues, specifically around background operation, you may wish to use Leap Motion's older V2 software.


GameWAVE is now available for free since the Leap Motion store closed down.

Please consider donating something for our efforts in creating GameWAVE and help finance future maintenance and development.

Control your computer

GameWAVE is also incredibly useful for controlling the rest of your computer with gestures. The flexibility and detail needed for real-time gaming makes it excel for operating system control.

GameWAVE can save each configuration into a dedicated document with the possibility of skinning its looks by providing a background image on which the transparent GUI will overlay.

Promo badges

If you love GameWAVE, here are two badges that you can use to spread the word!

gamewave promo large

gamewave promo small

Supported gestures for each hand

Supported actions to map gestures to

Note that even though we did our best to make GameWAVE compatible with as many games and applications out there, we can't guarantee that it will function with all of them. Competitive online multiplayer games in particular seem to block virtual mouse and keyboard input. You can find a growing list of games that were confirmed working by the community on our website.

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